OAM E-Legal
Terms & Conditions
Terms & Conditions is considered an agreement, which you need to be aware of. For your benefit, you need to read the following Terms & Conditions carefully & confirm acknowledgment of it whenever requested while using our website. Because we would amend the Terms & Conditions from time to time, you need to read it whenever you use our services.
Who we are
OAM E-Legal is an online platform that provides legal services to its clients. It is a private legal practice owned by private individuals. We are coming from 25 years of experience in the legal field, thus we hope to be of added value to you & your business. We are equipped with disciplined, well educated, highly qualified and loyal lawyers who are experts in different fields of legal practice.
What we do
OAM E-Legal provides legal consultations and legal services for corporate & individuals in various legal fields as shown on the website and as may be updated from time to time. We provide our services through the online platform www.oamlegal.com
How we do it
OAM E-Legal provides legal services through innovative yet simple online solution (mainly forms for every legal area) to communicate with clients with an objective to minimize the normal physical contact & interactions with lawyers and shift the usual and common communication and some legal services to the online platform. If requested by the client it is our pleasure and honor to arrange personal meetings any time.
OAM E-Legal communicates with the client by email, on phone, through live videos and/or recorded video or normal meetings following by documented legal output for writing and follow up. In all cases of consultation the legal advice/opinion will be documented and sent to the client.
You are legally considered to have received our services when:
- You receive an email from us including the legal opinion or advice that you requested through one of the forms. The email will usually include a clear text explaining that this is our legal opinion/advice for you.
- We render the requested service for you such as forming a company, representation courts or any other service that is shown in our website and/or as requested by you.
Our liability
We believe in the importance of our client and the critical and sensitive nature of a legal problem that the client is facing. Thus, we put our client at the center of what we do and aim to provide our ultimate support to help resolve our client’s problem or finalize a project. In doing so, we dedicate our services and staff to present our full, maximum and undivided efforts. We make sure to understand our client’s needs and do nothing less than helping to achieve such need. In doing so, we however cannot guarantee the results of our legal support especially in legal disputes in courts or arbitration, because by nature it is not always in our control. We can guarantee our dedication, effort & experience though to do our best in helping you with your problem as if it is our own problem.
We treat our client’s information whether personal or that which is related to the dispute or the consultation as highly confidential and on a non-disclosure basis. This comes from our belief and respect of our client’s privacy & personal information, the importance of the problem to the client and in compliance with the relevant data protection laws applicable in Egypt.
Information & Confidentiality (Privacy Policy)
All information that we share with the client either of financial, technical or commercial nature is private & confidential and by using our website in any way or for any purpose or requesting our services and receiving it the client guarantee to keep all information of any kind private & confidential and not to disclose it under any circumstances except where permitted by law.
We confirm the same treatment of confidentiality to our client’s information.
The Forms
We use forms as a mean to communicate with our client. By filling & sending any of the forms under title “Request Legal Support” to us the Client is:
- Legally requesting OAM E-Legal to provide legal support as per the specific form. The legal support is either a consultation or legal service pertaining to a specific legal problem or legal situation.
- The Client shall submit true information as requested in any form and will be responsible in case it was proven that all or any of the information submitted is false or not true.
- OAM E- Legal is not and shall not be responsible for any losses or damages or wrong doing resulting of submitting false or not true information in any of the forms or by email or on phone or verbally.
The Engagement Letter
OAM E-Legal normally request the client to sign an engagement letter that documents the framework of our professional relation including your request for our services, the scope of services, any specific terms/conditions and finally the fees of our services. Thus, by requesting our services you will be asked to sign the relevant engagement letter. You will find it on the website and/or you will be directed to it through the form request or by email.
Our Fees
We aspire to be of added value to you & your business and we take this seriously & passionately. Thus, we are not seeking to be rich by serving you, but to be of positive addition to you and your business. Our fees are tailored in return of our services and efforts for you. We will not charge you for time, because we believe that you don’t have to pay for time and you better pay for the real service that we provided and you received from us. Thus, you can pay separately for each service you receive from us, or choose from different service packages tailored to your need in return of certain fees, which we hope to be of convenient to you and your business.
Fees payment
OAM E-LEGAL is entitled for payment upon rendering the requested legal service to you be it consultation or service or as per the package that you choose and the related payment terms.
For Consultation
You can pay at the end of the month or quarterly in return of the consultation/legal advice/legal opinions that you received from us through the month. You can also pay for our services monthly or quarterly depending on your capability and business needs.
For other legal services
Usually payment for legal services is based on a 50% advance payment model and final payment upon rendering the service. In some cases we would request split of the remaining 50% so that a 25% to be paid towards the end of rendering the service and the final 25% upon rendering the service.
Refund policy
For court disputes, you have the right to not pay the remaining fees if the case was lost. You will also be entitled for partial or full refund of paid fees if the loss was due to negligence or wrong practice from our side.
Once we receive your inquiry and/or form in which you request legal support we will email you the fees for the requested consultation or service. If you accept the fees and choose the payment method (within the frame of the Terms & Conditions), we will send you our bank account number in due time to proceed further.
Website usage
OAM E-Legal is a service website that presents legal advice & solutions to its clients. We do not market for clients or for other services and we follow all relevant laws & regulations applicable where we operate. OAM E-Legal is not liable for any illegal use or misconduct while using its website. You are solely responsible to use our website in a legitimate manner.
Logo & names
Our logo and name is our proprietary protected right. We give no one no right to copy, forward, use, circulate, distribute or use in any way our logo and names under any circumstances except with prior written approval from OAM E-Legal as represented by its founding Partner.
As a common legal practice, we present the names of our Clients/Logos on our website to show our previous and/or current work experience. By accepting our Terms & Conditions you accept that we show your company’s Name/Logo on our website in our clients’ list. If you do not wish that we include your company’s name/logo in our client list on our website, please email us directly to this effect @: admin@oamlegal.com
For further information or inquiries please email us @: info@oamlegal.com
For legal advice and/or services please click “Request Legal Support” on our website www.oamlegal.com
Thank you
OAM E-Legal